Journal # 1 - Brochures/hand-outs

Are you looking to get more publicity for your event? Hand-outs are a tried and true way to alert others of current events. As long as they are short in length and aesthetically pleasing, people are sure to take a look.
Many of the hand-outs that I have designed are made to be printed and posted online! They are a customer friendly format that allows you to take in the information in 30 seconds or less, perfect for Instagram stories or Facebook posts!
One handout that I had previously done was for a "Meal With A Mission." This is an event that our children's leadership team puts on to help raise money for the Oasis Project. During this event our junior leaders (children that lead within the church) serve a full meal for $5.
It is a chance for the church to see the children taking initiative in their raising money for missions. This short brochure was made and passed out after the Sunday morning service in hopes that more people would attend this Wednesday night event. 
It was a small, 4"x 4" card made of 110 pound paper with a matte finish. The front in a simple block letter says "MEAL WITH A MISSION," in a block letter. This block lettering is white on top of a very faint grey square that stops about .5" from the sides.
Behind all of this is a picture of the food being served at the event. This allows for a quick intake as to whether or not they will like the food. 
This event was quite successful, resulting in hundreds of dollars being raised, and many memories being made!
